I have a hard time believing that it's Christmas tomorrow, it certainly doesn't feel like it to me...and yet, I am surrounded by abundant reminders that it is indeed that time of the year once again. Thus, I will supply you a non-militaristic installment of music for the blog. I do have to say to my Jewish friends that I would have liked to put up a Hanukkah-themed post as well, but unfortunately I lack a sufficient number of relevant selections. Perhaps one day when my music collection has grown more voluminous I'll make up for this transgression.
So, here are some tunes. A merry Christmas, happy Hanukkah, fun-filled Festivus, and joyous Kwanzaa to all, and to all a good night.
Casiotone For the Painfully Alone - Cold White Christmas (From
It's a downer, but it's awesome.
Neutral Milk Hotel - Two-Headed Boy (From
In the Aeroplane Over the Sea)
It's a downer, and not really relevant until the very end, but still awesome.
"Weird Al" Yankovic - The Night Santa Went Crazy (From
Greatest Hits, Vol. 2)
It's no "Amish Paradise," but when I was ten, the images of bloodshed, destruction, and venison this song evoked seemed pretty cool.
Sufjan Stevens - Sister Winter (From
Peace: Vol. 5)
A song that slowly builds to an apex of holiday epicness, as only Sufjan can do it.
Zooey Deschanel & Leon Redbone - Baby, It's Cold Outside (From
Elf: Music From The Major Motion Picture)
Elf is a mehhh film, but Zooey Deschanel has a very nice voice.
Modest Mouse - Jesus Christ Was an Only Child (From
The Lonesome Crowded West)
Isaac Brock, putting the Christ back in Christmas!
Everclear - Santa Monica (From
Sparkle and Fade)
Ok, this is a stretch. But a clever pun, no?
Buy 'em up:TomlabMergeAmazon.com (Because Scotti Bros. went belly-up years ago)
Asthmatic KittyUp RecordsCapitol