The Onion Movie
This film lacks any real plot, but that's okay. For anyone who has been on The Onion website and checked out their fake news programs, essentially this film is an hour and twenty minutes of these fake news reports served back-to-back-to-back. There are some good laughs here, but also a fair share of misses. The inclusion of Broken Lizard's Erik Stolhanske (most easily recognizable as Rabbit from Super Troopers) doesn't really do anything to buoy the film. I came into this film with high expectations, but wound up feeling a bit let down in the end. 6/10
The Darjeeling Limited
License to Wed
I knew that this was going to be bad, but I watched it against my better judgment anyway, more out of morbid curiosity than anything else, with the irrational hopes that it would not sour my taste for the medium of moving pictures forever. I made it through twenty minutes of this dribble before I could take no more and had to stop. All I have to say is: the inclusion of demonic robotic faux-infants are a recipe for disaster (and casting Wanda Sykes is an automatic strike against a film in my book). Why John Krasinski, why? 1/10
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