Toilet paper and eggs.
Mickey Rourke.
Yup, it's that time of year again. Used to be about costumes and candy, now its about costumes and beer. Costumes being the constant, obviously. Candy and beer are both unhealthy, so I suppose not all that much has changed. And the UNICEF trick or treaters will always make you feel guilty.
In 8th Grade I really went to town on Cabbage Night. That's all I'm gonna say. But it was fun.
In the spirit of the day, I will leave you with some Rocket From the Crypt, who broke up four years ago today. These are some mp3s from their last show. Enjoy.
Rocket From the Crypt - I'm Not Invisible
Rocket From the Crypt - Ditch Digger
Buy 'em up:
Merch Lackey
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