As a college student living off the meal plan, and with dwindling food stores at the old apartment, I am sometimes driven to innovation. This recipe doesn't just work for broke college students, either. You could simply be traditionally broke.
What You're Going to Need:
- 2 slices white bread (from the freezer)
- olive oil
- pepper
- shredded cheese (cheddar if possible)
- a toaster
- a microwave
- about 5 minutes
Step One: Toast the bread. My toaster is not very good, so that means toast it once on full power, then toast the bread again at half power. Your experience will probably vary.
Step Two: Pour some of that olive oil on the toast. As much as you want. I don't recommend drowning the toast in a sea of oil, but to each his own. It's probably the healthiest part of the whole recipe, so don't skimp on it, at least.
Step Three: Throw some pepper on your olive oil-soaked toast to give that stuff some flavor. Or it's going to be bland, trust me.
Step Four: Generously distribute shredded cheese over top. Leave a little uncovered toast on each end if you want to go for the pseudo-pizza crust effect.
Step Five: Throw some more pepper on top. It's for your own good. Europeans would have killed for it 500 years ago, so consider yourself lucky. Relish the pepper. Never take it for granted.
Step Six: Microwave the concoction for around 45 seconds. I prefer 38 seconds, but I also have this OCD thing where I don't like to microwave stuff (or set my alarm) for traditional times.
Step Seven: Enjoy. It may well be the very best part of your impoverished day.
Thank you for this recipe gregoire.
You are quite welcome Tosh. Hope you enjoy.
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